You may have stumbled across us when looking for a setter to adopt. It’s no wonder setters (and brittanys) are so popular amongst adopters. They are fantastic family dogs as well as being a stunning breed. However, pointers should never be overlooked and I’m here to tell you why.
Pointers are sensitive little souls. The are caring, loyal and kind. Many can be nervous at first but when you get a pointer you will have a sofa buddy for life.

Pointers crave the attention of other dogs. Most pointers take great comfort in having a doggy companion. They love to cuddle up for a sleep but are also big on play fighting. Watching my dogs play gives me hours of entertainment and makes my heart sing. This play time is instigated by Luna (my pointer) 100% of the time. If you or your dog like being bopped then you should get a pointer.
Pointers are goofy and there’s nothing better than having a complete goof as a best friend.

They name is a complete give away…. but not only are they designed to point, they are wicked fast runners. Pointers are built to and love nothing more than to speed around the perimeters of fields. A big open (and secure!!) space to run in is the greatest gift you can give a pointer. Too add, many of our pointers make excellent running companions. If you need a someone to keep you motivated on that jog or bike ride you’ve been meaning to go on, get a pointer.

Pointers have short hair. Forget combing talons, pointer require little to no grooming. A good wash once in a while is all that is required. Need I say more?

One of my favourite traits in Luna is her cheeky and stubborn streak. ‘You want me to sit for the treat? I think not.’ ‘Oh I’m not allowed on the sofa? Try keep me off it.’ Pointers have sensational characters and will never fail to make you smile.

Lastly, pointers have a distinctive look that turns heads on walks. They are just beautiful breeds and photos do not do them justice. Once you have a pointer you will be completely in love and will never look back.