English Setter, 1 Years Old
Lidia is a 1 year old English setter
Lida was rescued from the same pound as Paula, although they did not originally come from the same shelter. The pound is one of the worst in the regions and operated to make money rather than help dogs. These dogs have often gone through many hunters by the time they reach the pound and then get mistreated again while there, it’s truly heartbreaking. The dogs aren’t given enough food in order to save money, and since many dogs share a run, the strongest ones get fed and the others go without food. Often dogs here die from hunger, killed by other dogs who are so desperate to get to the food or put to sleep
Lidia is a small setter but also completely emaciated, she currently only weights 8.5kg and she arrived absolutely starving. We think she’s been with other dogs who didn’t let her eat since she has so many wounds on her body. She is also anaemic and is already undergoing treatment to get her back to full health
She’s very attached to people and very affectionate. She’s sociable with other dogs and also children
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