English Setter, 3 Years Old

Lai is a 3 year old English Setter, DOB 22.06.21

Lai is a wonderful English setter with an amazing character. He’s extremely sociable and loves other dogs and children. Every time he’s met a new dog at the shelter, he instantly gets along with them and is happy to live with them without any issues.

He just adores people and is so very affectionate, even with people he doesn’t know. He especially loves children and follows them around like a faithful companion. He loves to play ball and have a big fuss made of him and if a child cries nearby, he runs over to make sure they are ok. The shelter say he’s a 10/10 dog which is how you know he’s a special one! He’s a well rounded chap and we think he could live as an only dog as he’s very confident but he would love to have the opportunity to meet other dogs on walks