Doggy daycare who needs it? Nano, Bella and us!
Guest Author: Carol Wood
Having 2 dogs with different needs and personalities – Nano, handsome – confident – in your face enthusiasts – daft as a box of frogs!
Bella, beautiful – nervous – lacks confidence – scared of her own shadow one minute then crazy, bouncy and funny the next.
We try to fulfill their individual needs while still being a well rounded pack (us included). We try to challenge them as much as possible – taking them to new places, different environments – helping to build their experiences but what they get from good daycare is to be themselves – dogs.
They go to a great doggy daycare near our work called Waggy Warehouse where they learn the social aspect of being a dog.
Dog manners – Nano had none, he had no spacial awareness and thought that every dog would want to play with him if he jumped on their heads! Bella was like the kid in the playground watching all the others – wanting to join in but not knowing how to.
It has helped them so much being in a safe environment, making friends, free to play, running, jumping, having structured play – learning and being able to chill out with their friends.
Nano has calmed down so much, he was very much Bella’s comfort blanket but having the time and space she has learned to be herself – wanting to be with Nano but not needing him as much.
For us daycare a couple of mornings a week helps us in our working lives to provide our dogs with stimulation and helps to drain some of their energy whilst playing. They are very excited to be going but also very happy and content when we collect them. Waggy Warehouse post pictures and videos on Facebook so that we can see what they have been doing and it’s great to see them having such a good time away from us.
The afternoon with us is snooze time because they are exhausted from all the fun that they have been having, we can relax knowing that they are happy and have been looked after by a great group of people while we have been working.