Mary Jansen joined the team in February 2023, primarily looking after pointer rehoming and behaviour, and helping with behaviour and settling in with Brittanys too.
I always knew I wanted to adopt dogs. When lockdown provided me with the time to dedicate to a dog I adopted my first, an 8 month old Weimaraner called Banjo from a local shelter. Around a year later we decided that we had space and time to bring another dog into our home and when we saw an emergency foster appeal for a small pointer x we put ourselves forward. We collected her that evening and she’s not left since. I was so impressed with the support and guidance the team at SeBPRA provide and how they help dogs get out of hunting environments that I wanted to support this great little charity.
Since volunteering with SeBPRA I have completely changed career from accountant to dog trainer, qualified with IMDT. My passion is keeping adopted rescue dogs in homes by helping humans understand behaviour and respond appropriately to it. I volunteer with local dog rescues as well as SeBPRA and work with their adopters too. I’m studying dog behaviour and I’m always looking for fun things to do with my dogs. My focus is primarily scent work at the moment and both of my dogs love it as much as I do!