English Setter, 10 Years Old
Grace is a 10 year old English Setter, DOB 13.04.12
Grace is a very special old girl looking for an equally special home
Grace was no longer wanted by her hunter and given up along with two other dogs. When the ladies at the rescue collected Grace, she almost instantly collapsed on the floor and needed rushed to the vets. They soon found out she had pyometra and needed operated on immediately, along with really bad anaemia which meant she also needed a blood transfusion
It was touch and go for poor Grace for a while but she is a very strong willed girl. She went into foster immediately, as amazing as the shelters are, a dog like Grace needed a home environment where somebody could take care of her round the clock and keep an eye on her. Although she did not want to eat at first, little by little and with much love and care by her foster home, she began to eat and gain strength. She’s continued to improve and is in much better conditions than when she first arrived as a bag of bones. She runs and jumps for joy now! She’s a really affectionate girl too and seeks out humans for a pampering
Grace lives in a foster home with many other dogs and she gets along with them really easily. She has learned the household routine very quickly and, although she is quite deaf, she is attentive and comes quickly in the house to a signal. She’s a calm girl and a real sweetie who deserves so much more in life than what she’s had in her first 10 years