English Setter, 12 Years Old
UPDATE: Deva has arrived in foster in Essex and is settling in well. She’s learning all about her home comforts, quickly stepping over her foster brother to join him in his bed and snuggling up next to the fire! She’s really enjoying having her own garden and adoring her walks. She’s quite good on her lead and active for her age, although does have a bit of arthritis so can be a bit stiff if she’s been asleep. She’s a happy go lucky go despite her long years with a hunter and now looking for her retirement home! We don’t think she’s had the best care in her life as she has some throat damage, perhaps from being tied up for long periods, which results in a cough at times. It’s settled down now she’s in a home but flared up a bit when she was stressed and sometimes shows when she’s excited for a walk! It doesn’t bother her and once she’s settled, it’s not an issue. She happily sleeps through the night too, she’s a really lovely old girl!
This lovely old girl is Deva, DOB 05.08.10
Deva is a charming girl, giving up by her hunter due to her age. She’s very active for a dog of her age, cheerful and very lively in character. She loves the company of other dogs at the shelter. She lives with Vipo and they get on great together, even sharing food. With people, she’s very affectionate and confident.