
Hi there. My name’s Debbie, and along with hubby Dale, we’re fairly new to the world of English Setters and indeed SeBPRA having only adopted Xavi (Mundi) in Aug 21. (and what a wonderful community it is!!!). I’m going to be writing a few blogs about enrichment, confidence and maybe a few other topics you never know…I’ve never written one before so please bear with me on this.Read More →

My daughter and I rescued Tilu & Ram through SeBPRA just over 3 years ago. Like a lot of gundog breeds they are loyal & intelligent, and I realised that they would thrive on having a ‘job’ to do. Read More →

A feral dog will spend much of the day hunting and searching for the food and water it needs to survive. In comparison, a domestic dog spends most of the day indoors, gets given all the food it needs and may also be left for small periods of time with not much to do. Under-stimulated dogs can develop a range of behavioural problems. Read More →

Lady walking a dog

Training your four-legged friend takes time and patience – from both dog and owner. However, taking the time to train your dog is a really important part of dog onwership.Read More →